The I Factor™

Simple Insights for Connecting in Your Personal Relationships

New York Magazine – Has the Online Dating Backlash Arrived?

Posted on January 4, 2013 in Media Buzz |

NY MagazineThose who remember dating before the age of text message tend to agree. After reentering the dating scene in their middle age, ex-husband and -wife Paul N. Weinberg and Dr. Susan Dyer reunited to author The I Factor, a book about what they feel has been lost with the rise of social media — the feeling that you actually knew someone — and how to get it back. (The “I” stands for intimacy.) “The explanation for this seeming contradiction of isolation and disconnectedness in a massively interconnected world is that most of us have never learned — or seem to have forgotten — how to connect or even what it means to connect on a fundamental level,” they write.

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  • The Authors

    Paul N. Weinberg and Dr. Susan A. Dyer are an ex-husband and wife who, over the course of nearly twenty-five years... Read more »
  • Reader Reviews

    • I received The I Factor yesterday and I am already halfway through it. It is an amazing and unique journey into one's self and it ...